Archiv für den Monat: März 2019

Athen – 1 Woche vor Abreise

Mein Name ist Alexandra und in genau einer Woche fängt mein Auslandspraktikum in Athen an.

Ich werde das Praktikum 2 Wochen lang bei der Boston Consulting Group absolvieren – dies ist ebenso die Firma bei der ich meine Ausbildung in Düsseldorf mache.

Ich mache ein Auslandspraktikum, weil…

…ich der Meinung bin, dass man während des Aufenthaltes im Ausland, vieles lernen kann. Sei es über die Arbeitsweisen oder Sitten in der anderen Kultur oder eben auch die Möglichkeit, seine eigene Persönlichkeit weiter entfalten zu können.

Ich wünsche mir von meinem Auslandspraktikum, dass…

… ich meinen Ausbildungsbetrieb weiter kennen lernen kann. Obwohl es die selbe Firma ist und sich viele Arbeitsaufgaben wahrscheinlich ähneln werden, bin ich dennoch sicher, dass es in Athen andere Arbeitsweisen gibt als in dem Standort in Düsseldorf.

Für mein Auslandspraktikum nehme ich mir vor,…

…dass ich so viel und so gut wie möglich, im Betrieb aktiv werden kann.  Ich denke gerade da ich lediglich 2 Wochen im Ausland bin, ist es wichtig diese Zeit intensiv zu nutzen, um möglichst viele Erfahrungen sammeln zu können.

Bei der Vorbereitung auf das Praktikum ist mir folgendes passiert: …

…bei der Vorbereitung auf das Praktikum habe ich ausschließlich positive Erfahrungen gemacht. Ich habe sehr viel Unterstützung von meinem Ausbildungsbetrieb erhalten, um dieses Praktikum zu absolvieren. Daher war sehr schnell mit Athen abgesprochen, wann und wie lange ich das Praktikum machen kann. Genauso positiv ist das Vorgespräch mit meinem Ansprechpartner in Athen verlaufen. Wir haben am Telefon die wichtigsten Details geklärt und mir wurde von Anfang an vermittelt, dass man sich auf meinen Besuch freut und ich dort willkommen bin.

Ich bin sehr gespannt, was mich während meines Praktikums erwarten wird. Ich freue mich jedoch sehr darauf, und denke dass ich sehr glücklich mit der Entscheidung sein werde, mich für dieses Praktikum entschieden zu haben.


What is digitization for me….

From my understanding, digitization is the mixing of virtual technologies with cutting-edge progress into everyday lifestyles through the digitization of everything that can be digitized.

Digital Technologies  is about teaching me how technology works, and how I can use that knowledge to solve problems at home, in my private life or in our environment, but also in a way that it will not get me into any problem but helps me to solve it.


Digitization at school….

When people in education talk about digital technologies they mean things like computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones.

They also talk about the infrastructure that schools need to use digital technologies, like fully funded, safe and reliable access to ultra-fast broadband and wireless (WiFi) access,the most privileged schools, data-driven technologies are already deployed to support teaching and learning, bringing efficiency and an improved learning experience. Students experienced in digital technology are more likely to meet the expectations of employers.

During my intership i would like to gain some important working experience…

For example I want to Develop and refine my skills, I can learn a lot about my strengths and weaknesses during the internship.This Internships will allow me to get feedback from supervisors and others who are established in the field, and offer a unique learning opportunity that I may not have agained anywhere, moreover I want to gain more confedence for example this Internships will allow me to test out my specific techniques learned in the classroom before entering the working world and I will also want to gain a better Communication skills,Time Management and how to work under pressure and to think critical.

My First Blog 8 days to go


My name is Abdul Kassim. It is a great opportunity for me to represent my school Max- Weber-Vocational-Training-College and Germany in an international internship in Holland at HEMA which will start in eight days. Firstly I would like to answer some important question.

Why did I Choose an Intenational intership?

I am a student at Max-Weber -Vocational -Training -Collage, in 2020 I will get my higher education entrance qualification and later to study BWL ( INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS).This is one of the big reasons why i applied, moreover I love adventure, meeting new people, learning new culture and traditions most importantly to improve my language skills and this opportunity I could not get in home country so once this came up I had to grab the opportunuity.

What do i hope my intership will be like ?

First of all I hope my intership will be very interesting, beneficial me now and also in the future, most especially I hope my expectations will be fullfill for example to expand my knowledge in digital areas, improve my language skills, get to know new friendly people etc.

What do I imagine for my intership abroad?

of course I am going to spend a lot of time with Nelson, we gonna have lot of fun togethere, we are going to help each other at work and home and I can not wait talking to customers connecting to them, gain some experience maybe i will be able to get contact of important people in Holland.

What happened to me during my preparation for the intership?

Before I wrote my application for the internationl intership I was looking for other placement because I thouth I was not gonna get this international  intership,but I sat down express myself very well on my application I never told my parents untill I was given a  confirmation i was so happy and my parents were also because it was dream come true and this is one of the biggest thing that has happen to me.

What does digitization mean for our private and school life?

Assignment #1: „What does digitization mean for our private and school life?“

Digitization is present in almost all areas of life in our society. New technologies change the way we handel school and private life. Through the use of digital products and applications we save time:

Private Life

Household robots can be helpful when vacuuming, wiping or mowing the lawn. Digital shopping lists like (WUNDERLIST) with access for all members of the household and online ordering services (PICNIC) with flexible delivery times or personal pick-up in the nearest supermarket save us time and long checkout lines.

The way to get from place to place can be optimized by a software for traffic-dependent route planning (almost) in real time. We can find out the best departure time based on calendar entries and current traffic situation by digital assistants for example with a navigation system in the car.

If we want to find out opening hours we can quickly check online and if we would like to set up an appointment with a doctor we often arrange appointments online.  In the future we will simply attend video calls with the doctor when we are not feeling well.

Anyway, there are so many ways we are saving time which we can now spend otherwise.

School Life

The use of digital media in the classrooms makes sense, because it arouses the interest of the students and can usually convey the facts better. We can quickly get all the information that we need and move on faster. Again, we saved time. 

However, in Germany not every school uses the same level of technology. In fact, some are not advanced at all. Some schools don’t even have WLAN access yet. Luckily my school is very advanced. We are regularly using iPads for projects and presentations.

Change is coming nationwide because, on March 15th, 2019 the Federal Council’s approved a 5.5 billion contribution for the digital infrastructure of schools in Germany. 

I am curious to find out how advanced the Netherlands are. I heard that in the Netherlands more and more „Steve Jobs schools“ are emerging. Each child learns independently on the computer and becomes master of his own school day. 

My First Blog – 9 Days Before


my name is Nelson. In 9 days I am going to Arnhem, NL, to do an international internship at HEMA supported through the European commission. Mr. Denis from Max-Weber-Berufskolleg Düsseldorf asked me a couple of question which I would like to answer in my first blog:

 – I am doing an internship abroad, because ….

I am doing an internship abroad because, later in my professional life, I would like to orientate myself internationally. I am American and European therefore it is definitely an advantage for me to work in another European country. I think, international companies would appreciate it. It also shows commitment because it is a scholarship through the European Commission. You have to show enthusiasm in order to get it.

– I hope that my internship will be like …

I hope my internship abroad will open up interesting ways of working on an international level. I am looking forward to learn things that I never even knew before. The Dutch are technically very advanced, so maybe there are high-tech ways of working in the retail sector on the topic 4.0. I am also excited about to speak lots of English, like when I grew up. I would also like to improve my Dutch, which will definitely happen within two weeks.

– For my internship abroad, I imagine …

For my internship abroad I plan to spend a great time with Kassim and to benefit from the life and work experience for a long time. Maybe I will meet nice people, make new friends or company contacts for later applications. Last but not least I will turn 18 and that’s on the last day of my internship and will be a big day.

– During the preparation for the internship the following happened to me …

I filmed my application video with my mother (as a camera woman) in Venlo. Where else, when my desired internship is located in the Netherlands? Before, I quickly learned how to introduce myself in Dutch, which was very funny. Then I switched to English … then back to German. It was fun and, in the end, I was accepted for this internship. Now, I am counting the days…it is almost here! I will keep you updated…



Pre Post Györ Ungarn

Ich mache ein Auslandspraktikum, weil ich gerne herausfinden würde wie es ist in einer anderen Kultur/ in einem anderen Land ist zu arbeiten.
Ich wünsche mir von meinem Auslandspraktikum, dass ich eine Menge Erfahrung mitnehmen kann und ich meine Kommunikationsfähigkeiten verbessere. Für mein Auslandspraktikum nehme ich mir vor so viel wie möglich kennen zulernen und die Mentalität des Landes zu verinnerlichen. Außerdem würde ich gerne die Mitarbeiter unserer Tochtergesellschaft kennen lernen um irgendwann wenn nötig zu wissen an wen ich mich wenden darf
Bei der Vorbereitung auf das Praktikum ist mir bislang nichts widerfahren, was mir Probleme bereiten könnte. Es gab keine Komplikationen und freue mich jetzt sehr auf eine schöne Zeit in Györ.