4. Woche
Die 4. Woche war sehr schön. Da ich in der Vorschule(so nennt sich der Kindergarten) in der Verwaltung arbeite, sollte ich auch die Arbeit in
Die 4. Woche war sehr schön. Da ich in der Vorschule(so nennt sich der Kindergarten) in der Verwaltung arbeite, sollte ich auch die Arbeit in
Das verlängerte Wochenende hatte ich dazu genutzt, um mit der Fähre nach Morro Jable auf Fuerteventura zu fahren. Es ist ein ganz kleiner Ort, mit
It was pretty fun learning about a new cultur and meeting new people, and returning the favour by showing them our culture. I can only
We woke up at 09:00 am in the morning. We had breakfast and Alpcan said his farewell to my family. We had to leave to
We had to go the remaining days to school again. The class was rather happy to meet them again. We didn’t do much since they
Ertugrul and I decided to do things seperatly due to the weather acting up. I took Alpcan Neuss and showed him excavation sides which bore
In the first week after the weekend Baris and Alpcan went to Duisburg for their internship at Siemen’s. We took them their pretty early, almost
We went to the Rhein today. We took them to the Rheinpromenade for a stroll. On the way we took them to a park due
We decided to take Alpcan and Baris to Netherland. We went on a 45 min drive to Roermond a fashion Metropolitan. We showed them around
The first 2 days Alpcan and Baris visited our vacational school ‚Heinrich-Hertz-Berufskollege‘. Everyone was pretty happy to see them, each and everyone tried to make
Hallo again everyone. On the 15 april Baris and Alpcan arrived in Germany via plane. They arrived pretty tired and happy to see us again.
Samstag war ich in Playa del Ingles. Anfangs war es bewölkt und ich dachte nicht an den Sonnenschutz. Die Quittung dafür kam prompt am Abend
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40223 Düsseldorf